Friday, November 25, 2011
Still Kicking
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Racing Across America
Okay, so this is fun.... Found a great site for tracking workouts, and it looks like a great way to kinda keep some motivation going. It's a virtual race across America. You enter in your walks or runs or rides, and it plots where that workout would have taken you on a trek across the Transcontinental Trail, a system of back roads that is popular for people who do take such journeys across the country. Nice thing is you don't have to quit your job or pay for travel to do it! It tracks your progress, shows you on a map where you would be, and gives you a picture of the view you would be seeing.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Sprint Get Fit challenge
I was quite tickled to see my employer introduce a fitness challenge. In it you put together teams and everyone tracks the number of steps, minutes of exercise and percent of weight lost.
This comes at a really good time for me as it provides a kind of boost to get me going back downward in weight. I have been sitting on this plateau the past 2 to 3 months. I mean, its been a decent plateau in that while I haven't lost any weight my afctivity level has definitely improved. I'm very pleased at how I kept to the training for the 5k and all. I am getting out and playing tennis with Emily about once a week and I feel like my fitness level is way up from a couple months ago.
Sadly I think I've let the increased activity become an excuse for getting sloppy with my diet. I haven't been terrible I don't believe but I do think I find myself thinking that okay, I ran 3 miles... its okay to cheat a little.
So, I'm pretty excited about the program at work because I think it gives me a sense of focus to look again at ALL aspects of my personal fitness. Week one has just passed and I walked 65,000 steps, exercised about 660 minutes and lost 4 pounds. Not a bad start but I want to do 70,000 steps a week.
So, there's something to shoot for next week eh?
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
My first 5k
I made it! L
Sunday was the Cherry Creek sneak and the one I targeted to be my first official distance run... And I was able to run the whole thing.
Granted, the word "run" is pretty much relative, there were probably people who walked it faster than I ran it. A few weeks ago Janiece and I were running at a park and a lady passed us walking. But that's okay.
My last training run I ran in just over 46 minutes though I walked the first half k. So, I thought 45 would be a reasonable goal. I was thrilled to come in at 42:13.
When Janiece and I met she was training for her second half marathon. When we'd go out together, me for a walk and her for a run I remember being so wistful and more than a little envious as she'd run on ahead. Because of the knee problems I'd had in the past I figured those days were gone for me for good.
Needless to say I'm just a little psyched!
Now the question is what next? Focus on 5k's and on getting my times down? Work up to 10k's (our longer)? Duathlons?
Maybe all of the above...
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Half mile, and I did it twice
Monday, March 28, 2011
Couch 2 5k training update
Today was the start of week 5 in the training routine for the May 1 Cherry Creek Sneak 5k run.
I am quite happy to proclaim I am still alive and breathing.
Week 5 starts out with a 5 minute warmup walk then has three splits of 5 minute runs separated by 3 minute walks with a cooldown 5 minute walk. This routine will be repeated Wednesday and then Friday it jumps right into a straight 20 minute jog. Yikes!
So far actually it's not been too bad. Keep in mind you're reading from a guy who not all that long ago could not get himself to run through a heavy downpour to his car parked 50 feet from the store entrance but would have to simply walk and get that much more drenched. So it's pretty exciting to be able to say I could run these 1/3 mile splits and to actually feel like I could keep going. I can actually run around the "lake"at the park near my home. I never used to think I'd see that day.
Friday of course is a different challenge. 20 minutes straight... Good thing is that's not quite as intimidating as five minutes once seemed. Even still, that's more than a mile of straight running (well, shuffle jogging anyway). That's still intimidating.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Slow Starts
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Week 3 Begins
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Just can't blog enough
Lately I've been a little better keeping up with this blog. A little. Like any blog I've done however it's pretty much feast or famine for me. I'll do great awhile then go weeks or more neglecting it.
So what do I do? Start another blog. This one isn't so public as just available at work. Sprint has a sort of employee blog where people can post about life our work our whatever. Some post about gaming, some get into work issues, and I decided to start posting on weight loss stuff. But theres a bit of a slant as I want to focus on how the very technology we are providing can make an impact.
I will say that from a business and marketing sense I've been really impressed with the direction sprint is taking. More than just focusing on the "we have the best 4g debates they've built some great relationships that focus on using the technology beyond gadgets and phones.
One example is the Bodymedia armband. They have another relationship with a medical monitoring company that uses wireless technology to keep doctors up to date on a patients progress. It's pretty impressive stuff.
On tp of all that are the applications available that can really make a difference. It's stuff like this I want to focus on. I'm hoping to be able to integrate some of the posts into here as there are some pretty cool things out there, some I just recently learned about through comments made on the two posts I've made. And it would be pretty c ool if I could do that without having to post in two coherent places eh?
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Back in the saddle again
Friday, February 25, 2011
Yay! Mobile posting
Just yesterday my phone had a fairly major update which is a good thing, however it defaulted everything which means ask my applications were wiped out. Not really a big deal since I can reload everything pretty easily, just takes time. Nice thing about it is surfing through android amarket I found some nice new applications and in the process found the blogger app so now I can post more easily from my phone. That means there will likely be shorter posts but more frequent ones, probably both good things.
I found another cool free app as well called the instant heart rate monitor. It uses the camera of all things. It's a lot like how an oximeter works. It says your finger slightly changes color with each heartbeat so you put your finger over the camera lens and out notices the changes this measuring your heart rate. Pretty clever eh? And it beats the heck out of paying 50 to a hundred bucks on another piece of equipment
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Couch 2 5K

Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Can I say I'm scared?
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Sleep is good
It felt good to sleep through the night! First time in awhile I could sleep that long without being awakened by reflux. Woohoo!
Friday, February 11, 2011
Home and feeling better
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Back to square 1, but not really
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Runaway Tummy

Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Speeding along
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Milestones reached
Milestone 1: I'm OBESE! Ummm, yeah, nothing new there. But as I mentioned before, there's nothing in front of it. Not morbidly, not severely, just, merely, simply... obese. Never thought I could be so happy to say obese. Okay, there's a caviat there. That's simply obese based on BMI of 34.7, but that's based on a height of 6'5 which I've always maintained I've been. However, at a doctor's visit last week they measured me at 6'4. That would put me at 35.6. I'll stick with the 6'5 for now thank you very much. Don't want to face the potential that all that weight for all those years has managed to compact my frame a bit and caused me to shrink an inch, eh?
Milestone 2: I've lost 100 pounds since the start of the blog. I'm now at 292.4 pounds. No caviats there. That's a lot of weight gone. I think I said this before but it's hard to fathom constantly lugging around 100 pounds. I do have to say I'm amazed at the human body's capacity to do something like that. So, woohoo.
Milestone 3: Okay, this one's not as wonderful but it's there... if you can call it a milestone. It's a first anyway -- first time I've had any issues since the surgery. For the last week or so I've had a lot of acid reflux at night and have felt like food was getting caught up somewhere along the way. It can be a pretty miserable feeling when you just really don't want to eat. I think it got compounded by getting a bit of a bug at the same time. Honestly I don't know which it was more, a stomach related to the lapband thing or a bug thing, i think the two together make things a bit more miserable. Good news is I'm feeling better than a couple days ago and am more prone to actually eating and stomach isn't as sour now. There's still some reflux but not as much (but that's partly because I'm not eating after 6 now). I think the doctor's going to put me on some medicine and see if that takes care of things. There's a restricted feeling which could be swelling from all the irritation from the reflux, or it could be something more serious like slippage of the band or the old hiatal hernia trying to reassert itself. But, I feel like it's getting better, so I'll hold out hope it's jsut a temporary thing. Will keep you posted...
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Intriguing: BodyMedia Fit
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
1 Big benchmark down, some immediately ahead
(See picture from previous post... snoopy dance!)
So yeah, that's one big benchmark gone. There are a couple more that are very very close, and could be hit this month still.
First is the 35 BMI benchmark. At 6'5 that comes out to 295 pounds. This to me is maybe as significant as breaking 300 because of the classifications. At 352 (time of surgery) I was at 41.7 BMI, considered morbidly obese (above 40). When I started this blog at 393 I was at 46.6 (I don't think there's a term for above 45, but.... super morbid?). And I'll tell you what, if there's anything that really makes you feel good it's being classified morbidly obese. Mmm hmmm! So severe obesity (35-40 BMI) doesn't sound quite so bad now, does it? So at 295 there's going to be a bit of celebration because there's no attachment, no additional term that adds an emphatic exclamation point to my obesity. Just simply obese. I know, even obese doesn't sound great, does it? But when you've been morbid in the past, just plain obese sounds pretty good.
That's one benchmark. The other has more to do with the start of this blog. That's at 293 pounds. Starting at 393, that makes a nice, even, cool 100 pounds gone since it all started. THAT is a party in and of itself.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Snoopy Dance Time!

No, that's not 662. My weight starts with a 2 for the first time in more than 7 years. It's pretty darn close to being the least I've weighed in nearly 19 years. I'm thinking I went over 300 probably about 1992 when I was driving a taxi in Omaha....